
Interacting with customers and visitors using the luxury touchscreen kiosk.

Improve the interaction with customers and visitors.

The PixioKiosk combines the best of two worlds: a digital display that improves the interaction with customers and visitors while collecting customer data or leads. Compared to information boards or service points, the PixioKiosk offers many more possibilities, including:

  • Interactive map of your building or premises.
  • Real-time check-in for queues, activities, and events.
  • Digital notification service for start times or specials Online registration for a (customer) app or newsletter sign-up.
  • Direct use of special offers and discounts.
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The possibilities of the PixioKiosk.

LCD touchscreen in various sizes.

The PixioKiosk is available in various models and screen sizes (49, 32, and 22 inches), all equipped with a robust touchscreen that can be interactively used by your visitors and customers.

Easy to operate and multifunctional.

Due to the Android software, the PixioKiosk works just as easily as a tablet. The display is equipped with Wi-Fi as standard and provides access to numerous applications via the Google Play Store. It is truly a multifunctional tool in the workplace

An asset to your office, hotel or recreation area.

Due to its attractive and professional appearance, the PixioKiosk is an asset to any reception area. From now on, you can welcome and inform your guests in style. It is also very suitable for exhibition halls, festival grounds, recreation parks and hotels.

The possibilities of the PixioKiosk.

Service & Information.

Provide visitors with important and practical information, such as interactive maps, wait times, announcements, and location-based offers.

Marketing & Communication.

Deliver your message to your target audience in a unique way. Stand out with moving images, sound, and real-time interaction capabilities, such as social media sharing.

Interaction & experience

Take your visitors on a (virtual) journey through the interactive touchscreen and surprise them with an unforgettable experience.

Lead generation & sales

Welcome guests and visitors, generate leads, collect customer data, or sell directly through your website or webshop.

Do you want to know more?
Or receive a price list?

Would you like to know how to use the PixioKiosk for your company or event? Interested in our prices? Please feel free to contact us without any obligation. We would be happy to tell you more about the possibilities!

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